10 Powerful Prompts to Accelerate Your Learning with ChatGPT

Check out our most recent blog post for ten strong prompts to help you improve your skills, solve challenges, and achieve your objectives!

In modern society, education and learning are critical for personal and professional development. ChatGPT is a free OpenAI-powered education application that can help you learn faster and more efficiently. However, many users don’t know how to get the most out of ChatGPT. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with ten effective prompts to help you accelerate your learning using ChatGPT.

  1. Get Feedback on Your Writing to Improve It
    Writing is a necessary ability that will allow you to communicate effectively in both personal and professional situations. ChatGPT can assist you in improving your writing skills by providing feedback. You can solicit feedback on your writing by using the following prompt:

“Insert your writing here

“Proofread my writing above. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing.”

2. Use the 80/20 Principle to Learn Faster Than Ever
The 80/20 principle, also known as the Pareto principle, states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. You can use this principle to learn faster by focusing on the most important information. Here’s a prompt to help you:

“I want to learn about [French Language]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.”

3. Learn and Improve Any New Skill
Developing new talents can help you succeed in your work while also improving your personal life. ChatGPT can assist you in developing a 30-day learning plan for any new skill. To begin, use the following prompt:

“I want to learn/get better at [coding]. I am a complete beginner. Create a 30-day learning plan that will help a beginner like me learn and improve this skill.”

4. Receive concise, thought-provoking book summaries.
Reading books is a great method to learn new things and develop new perspectives. But reading a book can take a lot of time. You can acquire concise book summaries from ChatGPT that are packed with information. Get a book summary by answering this question:

“Summarize the book [The Sky is Falling] by the author [Sydney Sheldon] and give me a list of the most important learnings and insights.”

5. Get Opinions from the Best Minds in History
You may sharpen your thinking and decision-making abilities by gaining knowledge from the experiences and perceptions of history’s greatest brains. Get advice from a notable person with the following question:

“Assume you are [insert famous person e.g. Elbert Eintstein]. Read my argument below and give me feedback as if you were [insert person again].”

Insert your argument

6. Improve Your Problem-Solving Capabilities
A vital talent that can help you overcome obstacles in both personal and professional situations is problem-solving. By providing you with a step-by-step process for addressing an issue, ChatGPT can help you improve your problem-solving abilities. Use this starter to get going:

“Your role is that of a problem solver. Give me a step-by-step guide to solving [insert your problem].”

7. Generate fresh concepts and get beyond writer’s block:
Everyone who writes has had writer’s block at some point. Although it can be annoying and demotivating, there are ways to get past it. Utilizing prompts to inspire and generate fresh ideas is one efficient strategy.

Sample prompt:

“[Insert topic] is the subject of a blog post I’m composing. Please provide a 10-point outline for this blog article. Give me five choices for a captivating headline as well.

Whether you’re writing a blog post, an essay, or a book, you can use this prompt. You may structure your writing and organize your thoughts by breaking them down into bullet points. This can assist you in maintaining attention and preventing mental confusion.

Along with the outline, creating intriguing headlines can serve as writing inspiration. You can use the headlines as a jumping-off point or a road map to keep you on course. You can choose the one that best reflects the spirit of your writing and piques the reader’s curiosity by producing several different possibilities.

8. Summarize lengthy texts to speed up learning
It might be stressful to read lengthy books, and it can be challenging to remember everything. In this situation, summarization is useful. It is simpler to comprehend and recall a work when you have extracted its main ideas and pertinent details.


Put the text below in a 500-word or less summary. Make sections with a succinct summary of each crucial point for each important point.

[Text inserted]

Students seeking to prepare for examinations or working professionals who need to read reports or research papers will find this question extremely helpful. You can quickly scan the text’s substance and determine its most crucial parts by summarizing it. This can help you focus on what’s actually important while also saving you time and energy.

9. Use stories and metaphors to help you remember things: 
Retaining information after learning it is important, and using stories and metaphors can help. Information is more likely to stay in our brains when it is delivered in a memorable and interesting way.


“I’m studying [insert topic] right now. Make the most important points from this subject into interesting tales and metaphors so I can remember them.

This question is ideal for students trying to acquire new material, particularly if the subject matter is difficult or abstract. You can make the content more accessible and understandable by using stories and analogies. You will be able to recall the knowledge more easily as a result.

10. Test yourself to reinforce your learning:
Self-testing is a great technique to reinforce your learning and find areas for improvement. You can test your understanding and fill in any knowledge gaps by quizzing yourself on what you’ve learned.


“I’m currently studying [insert topic].” Ask me a series of questions to put my knowledge to the test. Identify knowledge gaps in my responses and provide me with better answers to cover those gaps.”

This prompt is ideal for students preparing for examinations or anyone who wants to put their knowledge to the test. By identifying knowledge gaps, you can concentrate on those areas and gain a better comprehension of the subject. This can help you remember the material and use it in real-world circumstances.


Finally, prompts are a powerful tool that can help you learn faster and improve your writing skills. You may improve your writing, learn faster, and overcome typical learning difficulties by utilizing these ten suggestions. So, the next time you’re stuck or need some inspiration, try using a prompt to get you started on your learning journey.

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