How to use ChatGPT for the high-intent commercial keyword


ChatGPT is a revolutionary new tool that helps marketers target high-intent commercial keywords more effectively. By leveraging natural language processing and artificial intelligence, ChatGPT can provide a more accurate and detailed analysis of high-intent commercial keywords, allowing marketers to make more informed decisions about their campaigns. With ChatGPT, marketers can easily identify which keywords are most likely to drive conversions and generate the highest ROI. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to use ChatGPT for high-intent commercial keywords and how it can benefit your business.

Using ChatGPT for high-intent commercial keywords is simple and straightforward. After inputting the keyword you want to target, ChatGPT will generate a report that includes data on the keyword’s estimated cost per click (CPC), volume, and competition. This data can help inform your keyword targeting decisions and optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency and ROI. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide detailed analysis of the keyword’s intent, including its intent categories, related keywords, and potential customer segments. This can help you refine your keyword targeting to better target customers who are likely to convert.

Interesting Fact I Bet You Never Knew that Tiktok is not available in China

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true – TikTok, the wildly popular video-sharing app, is not available in China. Despite the fact that the app was created by a Chinese company, ByteDance, and has become a global sensation, it is still not available in the world’s most populous country. This has been a cause of frustration for many Chinese users and those wanting to access TikTok content from China. So why isn’t TikTok available in China? The answer lies in the Chinese government’s strict censorship laws – the app does not meet the requirements for content regulation in the country. As a result, the Chinese version of the app, Douyin, has been created as an alternative for Chinese users. While it does not have the same features and content as TikTok, it does allow Chinese users to access similar content and create their own videos.


If you’re a beginner looking to start advertising on TikTok, the first thing you should do is create a business account. This will allow you to access TikTok’s suite of ad tools, as well as its analytics and insights. Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll want to make sure your profile is up-to-date. Include a clear profile photo, a short bio, and website links.

When you’re ready to start creating ads, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the different types of ads available. The most popular type of ad on TikTok is a hashtag challenge. Hashtag challenges allow you to create a unique hashtag and challenge users to create content around it. This can be a great way to boost user engagement and increase sales. The other types of ads available are brand takeovers, in-feed ads, and branded lenses.

Once you’ve decided what type of ad you want to create, it’s time to start crafting your creative. This is where you’ll want to make sure you’re using engaging visuals and a catchy soundtrack. It’s also important to make sure your ad is optimized for mobile devices